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SZD-55 Nexus
ASW-28 2m
FOX 2.2m
Jantar 2.4m
Discus 2b 2.5m
Ventus 2c 2.5m
Duo Discus 2.5m
DG-1000S 2.5m
Habicht 2.6m
H-301 Libelle
ASW-28 2.5m
DG-1000 2.6m
DG-600 2.6-3.2m
Lunak LF-107 2.6m
Nimbus 4 2.6m
Salto H101 2.5m
Blanik L23 2.7m
ASW-22 BL 2.8m
Grob 103C Twin III
L213 A (2.7m)
ASW-28-18 3m
Swift S-1
Ventus 2c 3m
Duo Discus 3.1m
ASW-28 3m
ASH-26 3m
Pilatus B4 3m
ASK-23 3m
SZD-55 3m
DG-600 3.0-3.6m
ASK-13 3.2m
HpH 304 CZ 3.1m
DG-1000 3.2-3.7m SC
DG-303 3.3m
Nimbus 4D 3.3m
Go3 Minimoa
Minimoa Mo 2a
DFS-Kranich 3.6m
DG-800S/M 3.5-4.2m
Ventus 2ax 3.5m
ASW-28 3.5m
DG-505 3.6m
DG-1000 3.7m
DG-1000 3.7m FG
L33-Solo 3.5m
Swift S-1 3.7m

ASW-28 3m


Scale: 1:5
Wing Span: 3.0m (118")
Length: 1.36m (53")
Wing Area: 43 dm2 (666 sq. in.)
Wing Airfoil: S 3010
Wing Loading: 58 g/dm2 (19 oz/sq. ft.)
Flying Weight: 2.5 kg (88 oz)
Radio: Standard radio/Micro servos

The ASW-28 is a nice semi-scale reproduction of the T-tail glider produced by the German company A. Schleicher, Flugzeugbau, currently in production. It is the constant evolution of the ASW series and is the new standard class glider. Improvements are triple taper leading edge and high aspect ratio winglets.
This model is well suited for everyday flying, it does well from a histart on good thermal days. It has very smooth and predictable handling, on the slope you will find that it has excellent energy retention. Building and flying require some skill, thus the designation of intermediate pilot.

This is not a kit, the model comes completely built, and ready for radio installation. Only a few hours are required, before you go to the field. The wings hollow molded as any other surface (rudder, elevator). Airbrakes are installed and ready to be connected by the mean of a micro servo in the wing. The high gloss, gel coated fiberglass fuselage has the wing joiner carrying tubes and the rudder control tube installed. Retract is installed and functional. A small package hardware and a short building instruction are completing the kit.

Radio requirements are two micro servos for the ailerons, and two additional micro servos for the airbrakes. Three regular servos for the elevator, rudder and retract. An additional servo might be installed for aerotow.

ASW-28 FG (3 m) ARF all moulded kit,

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